Etiket: Tenzij
Trump Bepleit Wanting to Charge National Debt Tenzij VS | Buitenland
The former American President Donald Trump heeded in the Republic of Germany’s People’s Representatives in Washington op arangedrongen om te refuse to accept the American debt ceiling, the intention of…
je bent het best sant in own country, tenzij je Ed Sheeran heet
About which artists, albums and numbers luisterde u het most in 2022? Bij de lancering van de Spotify Wrapped-campagne loste het streamingplatform also de Belgische cijfers van het afgelopen jaar.…
Oekraïne rukt verder op, what now? ‘Poetin can never win. Tenzij hij a tactical nuclear weapon used, often tot mobilisatie overgaat’
Oekraïne verovert snel terrein. That can be done easily, especially in the flanks. Maar: ‘The chaos by the Russians in this region is now complete.’ Steven RamdharieSeptember 14, 202213:36 Het…