Etiket: subscriptions
EXCLUSIVE. Na het zoveelste afgelaste festival: how is zakenman Hugo ‘Foetsie’ Foets? “As je ooit van plan bent om je schoonmoeder te verkopen, bel dan Hugo” | Exclusive for subscriptions
Organizer Hugo Foets (58) looks after 500 guests in the middle of the day at the Laakdalse dome in De Vesten. Het zijn 500 van de in a total of…
YouTube increases price for Premium and Music subscriptions
By Marlene Polywka | Jul 21, 2023 1:07 pm There is currently a price surge due to the streaming services. After several large providers have already raised their prices, YouTube…
Sports streaming service Dyn: subscriptions, prices and program
By Florian Formen | Jul 11, 2023 at 7:50 am There are already some major streaming providers broadcasting sports. However, the concept of the new portal Dyn is not to…
Spotify is canceling subscriptions to the Apple App Store
By Adrian Muehlroth | Jul 07, 2023 2:59 p.m As a result of a long-standing feud with app store operator Apple, Spotify is now taking drastic action and terminating some…
Tidal announces price increase for music subscriptions
By Rita Deutschbein | July 5, 2023 at 5:35 p.m Various streaming providers have increased their prices in recent weeks and months. This applies to both video and music. With…
“AV (34) was razend dat hij zijn not more like zien”: ex-partner of Stefanie aangehouden for dodelijke brand in Sint-Amands | Exclusive for subscriptions
A man with a drink and drug problem is known to have exploded in person. Zo omschrijven vrienden en family AV (34), the ex-partner of Stefanie Brems (37) and father…
KRC Harelbeke gives free subscriptions to residents of Harelbeke and neighboring municipalities
KRC Harelbeke gives free subscriptions to residents of Harelbeke and neighboring municipalities These are Kortrijk, Waregem, Ingelmunster, Kuurne, Lendelede, Oostrozebeke, Wielsbeke, Deerlijk and Zwevegem. It is sufficient to apply for…
Forum Groningen is asking for extra support from the municipality due to sharply increased energy costs. ‘Library subscriptions should be rolled over three times’
Forum Groningen has approached the municipality for extra financial support. The sharply increased energy prices cast a shadow over 2023 and beyond. “Our business model is not designed for a…
Proximus reforms mobile subscriptions, makes entry-level formula more expensive
Proximus is launching a renewed range of mobile telephony subscriptions on 2 May. The operator tinkers with the prices, the included data volume and the surfing speeds. The new entry-level…
ONZE OPINIA. “As ever as an overheid contemplated that he may be gemaakt gemaakt ten koste van de zorg voor ouderen, je dat also beter afdwingen” | Exclusive for subscriptions
“Dat zorg money kost is helaas normaal”, writes political journalist Astrid Roelandt. “Maar than ever considered as an override that he may have been made a winst ten cost van…