Etiket: stikstofdeal
Mogelijk vanavond nog akkoord over stikstofdeal: “Laatste loodjes”
It is possible for the French regulator to enter into a state of breeding with a new stikstofdeal. Volgens various fountains at the landing strip for a new stikstofakkoord in…
UPDATE. Ministers zaten seeds in bureau Jambon, stikstofdeal is nakende. Political journalist Karel Lattrez: “He is a marsorder come from Bart De Wever” | Exclusive for subscriptions
Is he coming with a stikstofakkoord next week? De kans is groot. Flemish ministers Zuhal Demir (N-VA), Jo Brouns (CD&V) and Gwendolyn Rutten (Open Vld) have heard on the Martelaarsplein…