Etiket: sickly
I was in the first compartment where five people died, there was glass everywhere, I smelled the sickly smell of blood | Joyce Sylvester
columnJoyce Sylvester writes weekly about topics that affect her. The columnist looks back on a fatal train accident in which she was part of in 1992. “Since then I realize…
André Hazes Jr. is beaten by Özcan Akyol: ‘Very sickly’
André Hazes Jr. takes a beating from Özcan Akyol. The TV personality finds the fallen folk singer and his crazy mother ‘troubled’ and ‘sickly’. © MAX, Videoland After a long…
It has now grown to a sickly size!
Explaining his thoughts on the perception of beauty imposed on social media, Bensu Soral said, “Everyone is in competition with each other. Most of the posts are far from reality.”…