Etiket: Ros
LIVE. The Ros Beiaard is blessed! And now we have to wait in the Donkstraat for the procession to leave | Dendermonde
DendermondeThe Dendermonden residents had to wait twelve years for it, but today it’s finally time! Their proud Ros is taken from the stable to carry the Vier Heemskinderen Maarten, Wout,…
LIVE. Absolute highlight in Dendermonde: for the first time in 25 years, the trek to Ros Beiaard weer door de stad
Twaalf jaar most de Dendermondenaren er op Wachten, maar vandaag is het eindelijk zover! Hun trotse Ros wordt van stal gehaald om the Vier Heemskinderen Maarten, Wout, Stan en Lander…
Accidental find ends three-year-old disappearance case Nico Ros (53) | Lievegem
Lievegem/OostkampAlmost three years after his disappearance, the body of Nico Ros (53) from Lievegem was found. It was a hiker who accidentally found him in a forest in Oostkamp. “The…