Etiket: rioolwater
Ongeveer evenveel virus in Rioolwater as tijdens coronapiek last year: is herfstgolf in zicht?
There were now 1,548 menses with a corona besmetting in the Ziekenhuis, 18 percent more in a week. Bovendia has been recorded in het rioolwater bijna evenveel virusdeeltjes as tijdens…
Poliovirus aencountered in Rioolwater New York City | Buitenland
The government authorities of New York City raised the poliovirus found in Afvalwater. That knows about local overdraft from the virus. New Yorkers who have never been vaccinated, have been…
Do we warm up ons inland water with rioolwater? First building with riothermie opent in June
In de zoektocht naar nieuwe, duurzame warmtebronnen come we miss wel uit bij… onze riolering. De Vlaamse waterzuiverraar Aquafin rolls volop ‘riothermie’ uit. Ofwel warming via het afvalwater uit het…