Etiket: Rembert
Marke-Webis on its way to title after victory against Rembert…
In the first leg, Marke-Webis gave up a 2-0 lead, but they did not make that mistake this time. In set four they finish it, 18-25. The 1-3 win for…
Flemish B&B owner Rembert (69) was tricked by water fortune-teller: “Charlatans eagerly respond to ‘drought stress’ in Provence”
Fleming Rembert Marynen (69) is trying to arm his B&B in Provence against future droughts and heat waves. He already had a well 130 meters deep, but on the advice…
Flemish B&B owner Rembert (69) lost 6,500 euros to water fortune-teller: “Charlatans eagerly respond to ‘drought stress’ in Provence”
Fleming Rembert Marynen (69) is trying to arm his B&B in Provence against future droughts and heat waves. He already had a well 130 meters deep, but on the advice…