Etiket: Preschoolers
Preschoolers promise each other eternal friendship at…
The ceremony in the Kortrijk town hall started with a friendship poem and then it was time. 22 toddler couples promised to always remain each other’s friends. They were even…
How often are young preschoolers abused? And does the age of the victims say anything about the perpetrator? Criminologist answers 5 questions | Domestic
“A kind of situation is created in which – in complete secrecy – this abuse can take place,” says criminologist and founder of the prevention helpline ‘Stop it Now!’ Minne…
Cellist Jay Campbell about the music of John Zorn: ‘Preschoolers understand that this music is also fun’
“Many people know John Zorn from his improvisational music or from his death metal band. In the classical world they are surprised to hear that he also composes string quartets,…
More preschoolers in special education and specialists think corona has something to do with it | Domestic
The number of students in special education continues to rise in all Flemish education networks. The increase in the number of preschoolers in special education is particularly striking. “We see…
Preschoolers most proficient in language in West Flanders
Preschoolers most proficient in language in West Flanders 91 percent of West Flemish preschoolers have sufficient language skills, seven percent could use extra support and only two percent of the…