Etiket: ongeveer
Snap scraps the bans, ongeveer 10 percent of personnel stock | Economy
Volgens Snapchat has access to a service that costs between 55 and 75 million dollars. The most locations are still in the first of the two kwartaal valleys, the sound…
Ongeveer 18 miljoen Oekraïners hebben humanitarian hulp nodig
There was another half of the Russian inval in Ukraine, but the humanitarian node was gigantic. Ongeveer 18 mijoen mensen hebben nood aan vorm van humanitarian hulp, aldus Ramesh Rajasingham,…
‘Twitter ontslaat ongeveer 50 percent of all works’
Bronnen lieten eerder aan persbureau Bloomberg weten dat Musk to’n 3,700 from the 7,500 personeelsleden wil ontslaan nu hij de Eigenaar is from the reporting service. “Team, in a posting…
Ongeveer evenveel virus in Rioolwater as tijdens coronapiek last year: is herfstgolf in zicht?
There were now 1,548 menses with a corona besmetting in the Ziekenhuis, 18 percent more in a week. Bovendia has been recorded in het rioolwater bijna evenveel virusdeeltjes as tijdens…
live-coronavirus. Brusselse politie tells ongeveer 130 voertuigen na meager opkomst voor ‘truckersprotest’: dertigtal people are arrested
Op all articles, photos and videos op rust auteursrecht. Deep linking can, however, be done to that of our content in a new frame on the website. Graag grandson…