Etiket: Önder
Belg Chris is the last overgebleven from the second ultramarathon in the world: “Tot 40 graden onder zero”
Four days after the start of the 6633 Arctic Ultra, the second ultramarathon in the world in Canada, Chris Seynaeve (43) was the first runner to take part in the…
ANALYSIS. Boerenprotest plaatst Vlaamse regering onder hoogspanning: hoe gaat Jan Jambon de zaak ontmijnen? | #Boerentrots
PoliticsGrandchildren were born in the Vlaamse regering opgelucht adem toen het stikstofdecreet groen Licht kreeg, maar now raakt ze opnieuw entangled in the symbolic strijd tussen stad en platteland. Vooral…
Terwijl Walter De Donder ‘de burgemeester’ speelde, liep zijn Afflimmel onder water: “Ik kontoch moeilijk duizenden kinderen teleurstellen?”
Walter De Donder (62) has been there for 20 years in one of the ‘dubbele’ burgemeesters of the country in a decade. Walter De Donder (62) has also been there:…
Automobilist onder invloed van cocaïne rijdt ingang Efteling within | Buitenland
A 25-year-old automobile driver is in the driving seat of the Efteling park in the Netherlands. After all, the first word was the man who was invloed and had his…
“This is an absurdly absurd situation”: Vlaamse overheid (alweer) onder vuur om recipes te promoten
Open Vld-parlementslid Maurits Vande Reyde is never the talk about the online advertenties of kookrecepten which have been financed with Vlaams tax money. “Verder van je kerntaken can je niet…
LIVE ISRAËL. Israël opnieuw onder vuur door raketaanvallen: air alarm sounds in Tel Aviv and other parts of the country
Israel has access to the Gaza Strip from the Gaza Strip. Local media reports this. The air alarm sounds on the doorstep in the country. Hamas has its own zeggen…
KIJK. Vrouw films hoe ze snakt naar adem, nadat ze onder aswolk van Indonesian vulkaanuitbarsting terechtkomt
A woman can be seen on the film and is filmed after a short time. There is also a gigantic cloud surface, located near the Marapi volcano in West Sumatra,…
Regeringsonderhandelingen in Nederland has not yet begun of misunderstanding ligt al onder vuur: PVV senator blamed for oplichting en omkoping
Gom van Strien, the PVV senator in the Netherlands aan de slag gaat as a misunderstanding, wordt the previous workers accused of fraude. This is written in the Dutch language…
KIJK. Israeli leger geeft rondleiding door verlaten tunnels and chambers “onder Al-Shifa-ziekenhuis”
The Israeli language is published by the admiral Daniel Hagari on a roundabout route through a tunnel network. The picture has not been verified, so it can be seen from…
KIJK. Israeli leger deelt beelden van mogelijke gegijzelden en ontdekt “tunnel onder het Al-Shifa-ziekenhuis” | Conflict Israel-Palestine
The Israëlisch leger (IDF) has a wide range of video recordings, which are also available from the security cameras of the Al-Shifa-ziekenhuis in Gaza City. Accordingly, the IDF was brought…