Etiket: Noorderlicht
Magnetic storms are monitored by strong zones: stored in radio communication in Mogelijk, maar ook noorderlicht ver ten zuiden van noordpoolgebied | Wetenschap
This weekend can be followed by a high-speed meeting on the beach. In the loop of zaterdag and also on zondag, the American Ruimteweervoorspellingscentrum (SWPC) monitors geomagnetic storms of the…
It’s great how the Noorderlicht photo festival can still offer hope after so much sadness
‘What Was Dead Was Never Dead’.Image Neec Nonso International photo festival Noorderlicht takes you on a journey through time in the Akerk in Groningen. In the old prayer house, about…
Noorderlicht ends the weekend colorfully: ‘So beautiful, even with the naked eye’
The Northern Lights or polar lights are caused by eruptions on the sun. This results in large quantities of charged particles being released into space. Due to the Earth’s gravitational…
Pilot maakt special een extra rondje in de air sodat all passengers can enjoy van noorderlicht: “Ongelofelijk!”
The pilot from a large number of passengers on the way that traveled from IJsland to Manchester had two passengers and a magical moment. Toen het vliegentuig bowen de zee…
IN BEELD. Also afgelopen night fonkelde het noorderlicht boven Nederland en Vlaanderen
The open night was de Kans om bij ons het noorderlicht met het blote oog te knnen warnemen iets greater dan in de night van zondag op Maandag, toen Vooral…
Noorderlicht could not be seen in the Netherlands, but don’t worry because there are still plenty of opportunities | Inland
There was a small chance that the northern lights would also be visible above the Netherlands, in the night from Wednesday to Thursday. ,,You will always see that when it…