Etiket: Nederlander
Nederlander (14) was caught in the face and together (18) was conscious of being on the ski slopes in Tyrol
There is an ongoing aggression incident in Tyrol, reports the Dutch news agency ‘De Telegraaf’. In a geëscaleerde Ruzie on a ski slope is a Dutch boy (14) shot in…
Great hilarity from the enormous stuntel of Nederlander Peter in ‘Heel Holland Bakt’: “Hij flikkert weer uit elkaar”
Net zoals in ‘Bake Off Vlaanderen’ bij ons, gaat het also in the Nederlandse tegenhanger ‘Heel Holland Bakt’ soms goed mis bij deelnemers, met a jammerlijk misbaksel as a result.…
Dronken Nederlander (38) rich in 30,000 euros in Waals ziekenhuis | Nieuws
The weekend of the day is at 7.30 p.m. in the Saint-Nicolas house in Eupen. A 38-year-old patient who was opgenomen op de quickly began to lose medical equipment. It’s…
14-year-old Nederlander came to the valley of 25 meters on the slopes in Tyrol | Buitenland
A 14-year-old Dutch winter sporter was born in a ski-ongeluk in Oostenrijk. This is reported by the ‘Tiroler Tageszeitung’ on Tuesday. Volgens de Krant uit Innsbruck from the ongeluk plaats…
Stolen historical image, in bezit van Nederlander, terug in Italië: “Net op tijd voor kerstviering” | Buitenland
It has a picture of about 700 years. He was stolen in August from a prison in the Italian Pastena, which was located in Naples in Salerno. The files are…
Nederlander Ofir Engel (18) from 54 days ago from Hamas: “We are happy with our heels”
The 18-year-old Dutch Israeli, Ofir Engel, who was sent to the terrorists of Hamas on October 7th, has been sentenced to 54 years. Angels who zowel een Israeli as Nederlands…
The mystery of the extremely long penis is oppressed thanks to Nederlander
Thanks to a Nederlander hebben onderzoekers the mystery over an extremely long penis in a vleermuissoort can be oplossen. Vleermuisliefhebber Jan Jeucken kon op een kerkzolder in Castenray bij Venray…
Nederlander besmet geraakt met varkensgriep
In the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant, a person is treated with the Varkensgriep. This reports the VRT on the basis of information from the Wereldgezondheidsorganatie (WHO). The men had direct…
Nederlander (34) gets a penalty for filming in small rooms, because of the veroordeling for children’s porn | Buitenland
In June 2021, there will be a lot of changes in what is happening in a small room in a two-bathroom in an attraction park. A half-naked vrouw and hair…
Nederlander (64) zit dagen long vast op onbewoond eiland: SOS in zand schreven in de hoop gezien te been | Buitenland
The first beach on the nearby island of Cay Sal, after which the yacht begins for the coast. How much that happens is not known. On the middle of the…