Tag: Maastricht
Observant citizen helps roll up Romanian gang of robbers | 1Limburg
Partly due to a report from an observant citizen, three Romanian men were arrested in Maastricht on Thursday. They are alleged to have stolen the wallet of a 91-year-old woman.…
‘Candidates find problem for PVV in Limburg’ | 1Limburg
The PVV has had a lot of trouble finding the right people in Limburg for the upcoming municipal elections. Candidates have also been rejected, says party leader and list leader…
More and more shelters for Ukrainian refugees | 1Limburg
More and more Limburg municipalities are designating shelters for refugees from Ukraine. Not all municipalities have made the decision yet, but the number of available places is growing. Limburg must…
Rembrandt’s masterpiece temporarily on Limburg soil | 1Limburg
Rembrandt’s painting De Vaandeldrager is coming to Maastricht in March 2023. The work will then hang in the Bonnefantenmuseum for a month. The artwork is a self-portrait by Rembrandt van…
Dutch police seize armored vehicles with ammunition near Maastricht
The Marechaussee, the military-style Dutch police, seized two armored cars on the A2 highway near Gronsveld, south of Maastricht in the southeast of the Netherlands. The truck with trailer that…
MVV gets its own anniversary beer: ‘Vol Mestrechter Geis’ | 1Limburg
MVV supporters have recently been able to drink a beer in honor of their club. The barley beer called ‘Bloonten Ingel’ was brewed in honor of the 120th anniversary of…
‘World stars’ empty victims in love | 1Limburg
Being so incredibly in love with an international actor that you don’t realize you’re being scammed financially. The Maastricht police warn against this form of internet fraud. According to the…
Maastricht has a record number of parties: what to choose? † 1Limburg
A record number of political parties participate in these municipal elections in Maastricht. Residents of Maastricht can choose from 23 parties, which have 39 seats to allocate. There are currently…
These celebrities can be seen tomorrow in Flikken Maastricht
The actress and actor already have something in common: because they both have in Good times Bad Times played. Holly starred in the soap from 2016 to 2017, while Joep…
No fine for Ukrainian: ‘So much sadness in his eyes’ | 1Limburg
Because of the story of a Ukrainian trucker, the Maastricht police did not think it appropriate to fine him. He had parked his truck incorrectly on Ambyerstraat-Noord, near a chapel.…