More and more shelters for Ukrainian refugees | 1Limburg

More and more Limburg municipalities are designating shelters for refugees from Ukraine. Not all municipalities have made the decision yet, but the number of available places is growing.

Limburg must for the time being offer shelter to 2000 Ukrainians.

Large emergency shelter
In addition to large locations such as the MECC in Maastricht, the sports halls in Horst and Geleen or the former barracks (also a former asylum seekers center in Weert), several smaller places have also been designated where Ukrainians fleeing the war can go at short notice.

Also read: List of refugee reception locations

The classrooms of the old primary school in Vaesrade should provide space for about 30 people, the municipality of Beekdaelen reports. Before the school building is suitable for this, a contractor still has to get to work to make the kitchen and sanitary facilities ready for use. That work starts Monday. The municipality hopes that in two weeks the first people will be able to go there for an indefinite period.

Sports Hall Bergen
Sports hall Den Asseldonk in Nieuw Bergen has been offered on behalf of the municipality of Bergen to house 100 to 200 people, who can stay there for a maximum of two weeks. The municipality wants one central emergency shelter so that assistance and care for the affected people can be concentrated in one place.

In Brunssum, the first shelter for about 50 people is ready. It is set up in an empty building on Heufstraat. The people expected there will go through the emergency shelter in the MECC to their temporary residence in Brunssum

Stein en Venlo Hotels
Stein has arranged hotel rooms for an initial group of 50 people. It will be housed in the Van der Valk hotel in Urmond and the Ibis in Stein. These are temporary shelters for the time being, for the longer term the municipality is looking even further. Venlo is also setting up a hotel. The Fletcher Hotel Rooland in Arcen is already ready for the first 30 refugees. More space will become available after the weekend.
