No fine for Ukrainian: ‘So much sadness in his eyes’ | 1Limburg

Because of the story of a Ukrainian trucker, the Maastricht police did not think it appropriate to fine him.

He had parked his truck incorrectly on Ambyerstraat-Noord, near a chapel. The trucker is also said to be asleep at the wheel. Officers then went to take a look.

The police indeed saw that the vehicle was only halfway in a parking space. And that section was intended for passenger cars. Officers found it difficult to wake him up and were unable to make contact due to the language barrier. The police called in a telephone interpreter, but during the conversation the man briefly lost consciousness. The officers then decided to call an ambulance.

Major concerns
Finally, the truck driver was checked in an ambulance. He turned out to be overtired and exhausted in combination with stress. The man told officers he was concerned about his family in Ukraine. While driving, he came across the chapel and decided to stop to rest and pray.

‘That touches’
“Seeing so much sadness in the eyes of this man and the concern for his loved ones is touching! Situations like this are also close to our hearts,” the Maastricht police said on Wednesday. The Ukrainian had to park his truck within the parking spaces, but was not fined.
