Etiket: Kerk
Overste van de Jezuïeten: “’Godvergeten’ toonde de Kerk in al haar lelijkheid” | Inland
Het Canvas-programma ‘Godvergeten’ toonde de Kerk in al haar klerikale en structurele lelijkheid. This is Marc Desmet, head of the Jezuïeten, in the Flemish Parliament. ‘Godvergeten’ was according to Desmet…
A century of carillon playing: family tradition from Grote Kerk
City carillonneur Paul Maassen. (photo: Raoul Cartens) The carillon of the Grote Kerk provides music for the weekly market. (photo: Raoul Cartens) Interim carillonneur David van der Vlies behind the…
Annerie didn’t want to know anything about Meppel at first, but now she is the owner of the Grote Kerk
When Annerie Kremer started her funeral company in Meppel in 2006, she already alluded to it. “If that church comes up for sale for one euro, I will be at…
Grote Kerk in Meppel has been sold to a funeral company
The Grote Kerk in Meppel has been sold to Annerie Kremer Uitvaartzorg. The intention is to organize events in the church, such as funerals, concerts, weddings or conferences. Annerie Kremer…
“Laat de Kerk dit nooit meer zelf oplossen”, vraagt priest Rik Devillé aan onderzoekscommissie naar seksueel misbruik | Inland
UPDATEHe is nood aan bekendere and onafhankelijke reporting points for the slaughter offers of sexual abuse in the prison. The processing of the dossiers must be kept strictly by the…
Kogel door de kerk na rumoerige dagen: Ongena lijsttrekker voor Open Vld, Somers duwt Kamerlijst
Open Vld-voorzitter Tom Ongena treks to the Vlaamse lijst van zijn partij de verkiezingen van following year. The Minister of Justice, Paul Van Tigchelt, is sent to the Chamber. The…
Exhibition on the history of Indonesia starts in Nieuwe Kerk
The Nieuwe Kerk on Dam Square is the stage for The Great Indonesia Exhibition, which opens today. And this is not an exhibition of a specific period in history, but…
WAIVER. Deze overlevers van seksueel misbruik in de Kerk vertelden hun verhaal
“No more men. No other men like their lives are lost.” Zo klinkt de stem van priest Rik Devillé, terwijl hij door de Stapels slachtoffergetuigenissen van misbruik in de Kerk…
From cardinal shrimp to thin-billed curlew: 110 extinct animals commemorated in Grote Kerk
The Grote or Sint Bavokerk in Haarlem was the scene of a special memorial service on Animal Day. A group of fifty interested people reflected on the 110 animal species…
Sea in 2,000 slachtoffers seksueel misbruik vroegen vergoeding van Franse Kerk | Buitenland
The CRR insults the slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik in de congregations. Op 1 October hadden 782 canteens contact opgenomen with the commission, 178 dit year and 604 previous year. After…