Etiket: GentSintPieters
Spurs weer vrijgegeven in Gent-Sint-Pieters na vondst oorlogsbom: wel nog hind Wacht
Spoorinfrastructuurbeheerder Infrabel en de NMBS maakten in the night from Maandag to Dinsdag melding van een gevonden oorlogsbom tijden aangekondigde graafwerken. De bom bevond zich op 300 meters from the…
War bomb found in Gent-Sint-Pieters station: major disruption to train traffic expected | Inland
The bomb is located 300 meters from the platforms on the Brussels side. “We have to wait until the DOVO demining service has been on site for the dismantling. It…
Tran still held in Gent-Sint-Pieters na reporting three trainstimuligers met apenpokken
In Ghent, the pre-alarm of the medical intervention plan during the week is scheduled after a notification that three stimuli are considered to be two people with apenpokken. With a…
Candidates from ‘The biggest gutsy guy’ walk naked through the station of Gent-Sint-Pieters
Who has the most guts and can pull off the craziest tricks in a game of daring and bluffing? Kelly Pfaff will find out from May 31 in ‘The biggest…