Etiket: degrees
‘Grandchildren land across the street from 1.5 degrees and from het klimaatdoel’
Het lost van de 1.5 graad-doelstelling zou een nimble nederlaag zijn voor de urgentie van het klimaatdebat. As de warsliggers now voet bij Stukhouden, that is a political recognition that…
Belgium now 2.7 degrees warmer than in the pre-industriële period: ons land warmed up more quickly than Europees and wereldwijd gemiddelde
In Ukkel it was 2.7 degrees Celsius warmer in 2021 than in the period from 1850 to 1899. That was due to the trend line from the middle of the…
Broad clearings with occasional cloud fields: around 16 degrees
Broad clearings with occasional cloud fields: around 16 degrees This evening the wind picks up again and there may be a shower. Also in the night there is a lot…
Group of 1,000 scientists: “Keeping warming below 1.5 degrees unfeasible” | Science & Planet
With that message, the scientists deviate from the IPCC, the international panel of climate scientists. That outlined in an April climate change report that 1.5 degrees will be out of…
21 degrees! Is this autumn or still summer?
WEATHER FORECAST. Autumn or spring? Another extremely mild day with temperatures up to 24 degrees | Weather news
Tonight and tonight it will remain dry with some clear spells, but still quite a lot of high and medium clouds. The minimums are between 9 and 15 degrees with…
Summer weather will disappear next week, temperature drops ten degrees
Temperatures will drop next week towards more normal values for this time of year. This weekend we will still have summer temperatures. “We are going to reach 25 degrees in…
Temperature rises this weekend until 25 degrees | Weernieuws
Het blijft de Komende dagen opvallend zacht voor de tijd van het jaar. We’re going to be in November, we’re going to be warned about the upcoming weekend in the…
Temperature rises to almost 25 degrees this weekend | Weather news
It will remain remarkably mild for the time of year in the coming days. We’re almost November, but we’re going to have beautiful late summer weather next weekend. On Saturday…
Clouds and clearings: up to 17 degrees
Clouds and clearings: up to 17 degrees Tonight and tonight it is quieter and dry. The minimums are around 11 degrees. By morning there will be more clouds. From tomorrow…