Etiket: coronauitbraak
All legal rights over corona-uitbraak in case of authorites in Oostenrijks skioord Ischgl van tafel | Buitenland
Het affected 130 individual legal cases in a collection of legal cases in the lines near the right bank of Innsbruck. In June the Hoogrechteshof de eis van een Duitse…
Dozens of tourists are stranded by corona-uitbraak on Chinees vakantie-eiland | Buitenland
Flights in the area near the city of Sanya in Hainan are announced after the disappearance of the COVID-19 infections. Volgens het stadsbestuur zijn er op dit moment about 80,000…
Noord-Korea over corona-uitbraak: “Balloons and drones brought virus over de grens met Zuid-Korea”
North Korea confirms that the first corona outbreak in the country. Dictator Kim Jong-un knows with the words about a poor distribution of medicines in a statement of “a specific…