Etiket: Colonies
Veenhuizen in search of stories of descendants of the Colonies
Huybrecht and Johannes Koman were brothers and both chose the same life path, but had a completely different life course. In 1831 they were in the army to defend the…
Vermilion refrains from gas extraction within Colonies of Benevolence
Vermilion will not place gas drilling rigs in areas where this would be detrimental to the World Heritage status of the Colonies of Benevolence. The company reports this to RTV…
Gas extraction at the Colonies is not only bad for world heritage status, but also for squirrels, nitrogen and cyclists
Bad for crested newts, badgers, squirrels and breeding birds, among others. Gas extraction at the Colonies of Benevolence can not only jeopardize the World Heritage status, in terms of nitrogen…
Beekeeper Ad saw four of his ten bee colonies die this winter
Beekeepers sound the alarm. Bee deaths last winter were much higher than in other years. Nationally, 30 to 40 percent of the colonies did not survive the winter. “And that…
Pie points and points for improvement at the unveiling of Colonies of Benevolence area signs
Brown area signs of the Colonies of Benevolence have been displayed along several roads in Drenthe since the beginning of March. This fulfills a long-cherished wish of the province of…
Remarkable brown and white signs refer to Colonies of Benevolence at three places in Drenthe
Only areas with ‘national value’ get it: a brown and white area board. In Drenthe this week, signs referring to the Colonies of Benevolence were placed at three places along…
Colonies of Benevolence added to Canon of the Netherlands
The Colonies of Benevolence will be in the Canon of the Netherlands from Thursday, an overview of important moments and places in the national past. They are part of the…
Russian names bij de aftocht uit Cherson Oekraïense gevangenen mee. Waarheen? Vermoedelijk naar penal colonies
Het was well known that the Russian troepen previous man, toen zich terugtrokken van derechteroever van de rivier de Dnipro, all sorts of houses, apparatus in zelfs dieren uit de…
‘Make trials’ of imprisoned Ukrainians are being prepared: thousands of soldiers detained in 4 penal colonies outside the city with makeshift cages | Abroad
Russia is holding thousands of Ukrainians in camps in eastern and southern Ukraine conquered by Moscow and allies. In the Philharmonic Concert Hall in Mariupol, the Russians have started building…
‘Schijnprocessen’ tegen gevangen Oekraïners been voorbereid: dozens of soldiers vastgehouden in 4 penal colonies buiten de stad met geïmproviseerde kooien | Buitenland
Russia has dozens of Oekraïners vast in camps in de Moscow and medestanders veroverde gebieben in Oost- en Zuid-Oekraïne. In the Filharmonische Concertzaal in Marioepol zijn the Russen started with…