Etiket: clinch
Özcan Akyol in the clinch at VI after Plasterk sneer: ‘You think everything is shit!’
Özcan Akyol gets a slap on the fingers when he slams the new scout Ronald Plasterk at the regular table of Today Inside. “You think everything is absolutely shit.” ©…
Het Kraakt in Kiev: Zelensky in clinch with legerchef, his popularity was drastic in Oekraïne lijdt big loss. Colonel Housen analyzes | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland
analysisOekraïense President Zelensky meets with Chief of Staff Valerij Zaloezjnyj. The verwijten flies heen and weer en in a peiling is Zaloezjny zelfs dubbel zo populair as Zelensky. Now the…
Noise during TV debate? ‘Wilfred Genee in the clinch with Jeroen Pauw’
Wilfred Genee was also allowed to play debate leader during these elections. How did things go behind the scenes? Resentful, says Victor Vlam. “He is in conflict with Jeroen Pauw.”…
“Keep yourself busy with cycling”: Theo Francken (N-VA) in the clinch with former cycling champion Philippe Gilbert
Former cyclist Philippe Gilbert has caused quite a stir among his Flemish fans with a cartoon in which he stands on a Flemish lion – N-VA MP Theo Francken, among…
Celtic clinch 53rd league title: Furuhashi and Oh score in crucial win
07.05.2023 – 18:01 | Source: Transfermarkt | Reading time: less than 1 min. Scotland Celtic Glasgow have become champions in Scotland for the 53rd time. The league leaders won 2-0…
Filemon Wesselink live on TV in a clinch with bestie Glennis Grace
Filemon Wesselink kicked the sore leg of Ronald Molendijk, one of Glennis Grace’s celebrity besties, in the talk show HLF8 last night. “This is a whole different story!” © SBS…
Kanye ‘Ye’ West in the clinch with Adidas on ‘White Lives Matter’ actie
“Na verschillende pogingen om de situatie privé op te lossen, raise we beslist om de samenwerking te heroverwegen. Al blijven we het product lasted the period wel managed”, explains Adidas…
Hilde Van Mieghem in de clinch met energieleverancier: “Ze three gen met een incassobureau, ik ben rázend”
Each time there is a wake up to the energy crisis, but Hilde Van Mieghem (64) said that she was brutal with her hair slaap housing. Zo ontving ze en…
Meerderheid in de clinch met N-VA over letter Engie: “U lijdt aan amnesie”
In the plenary vergadering van de Kamer is debated over de onderhandelingen tussen kernexploitant Engie en de federale regering over de verlenging van de kernreactoren van Doel 4 en Tihange…