Etiket: besmet
Nederlander besmet geraakt met varkensgriep
In the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant, a person is treated with the Varkensgriep. This reports the VRT on the basis of information from the Wereldgezondheidsorganatie (WHO). The men had direct…
Opnieuw besmet with corona? Marc Van Ranst wrote text and text
The result of the science is that the number of beneficiaries that should be considered as relatively stable. Het percentage schommelt al een hele tijd net boven de 10 percent.…
Al 176 Britse children besmet met verklarbare vorm van hepatitis | Buitenland
Het a child that was diagnosed with something that could be explained before hepatitis was diagnosed in the United Kingdom on 176. This is reported by the UKHSA, the Britse…