Etiket: Beke
OUR OPINION. Beke threw in the towel after a poor political poll. Not after the death of a toddler in a daycare center | Resignation Wouter Beke
Then still. Even so, Wouter Beke keeps the credit to himself and rids the new chairman Sammy Mahdi of a painful pebble in his shoe. Because what would he do…
Striking: Wouter Beke receives sweater with the inscription ‘Nothing to prove’ from wife and daughter Resignation Wouter Beke
“Anyone who really knows me knows that I am not a cold power politician, as I have read in recent weeks. My integrity as a politician, as a person, as…
Beke: “Patiënt may not be duped by acts of ambulance services” | landlocked
Flemish minister of Volksgezondheid Wouter Beke (CD&V) is not planning to speak about the actions of the Belgian beroepsvereniging van ambulancediensten, Belgambu. The union will meet with acts aandringen op…
Wouter Beke will have two boosters for 80-plussers in residents of Woonzorgcentra
Flemish minister of Volksgezondheid Wouter Beke is personally responsible for one of two boosters for 80-plussers, residents of the city center and possibly also van kwetsbare persons with additional requirements.…
▶ Best Wouter Beke, I can talk about an idea and a career
Best Wouter Beke When there is a large vernieuwing van der Krant wordt elke rubriek tegen het Lichtgehouden, dus also deze letter. Het ordeel kwam stevig binnen – zoals men…
Waarom Wouter Beke geen ontslag neemt
CD&V Minister Wouter Beke de aanvallen afweren with the moed van zijn overtuiging. Bijn zijn partij zinct de moed in the beautiful. Hoelang kan de previous voorzitter dit still volume?…
OVERWAIVE. Het wankele parcours van CD&V Minister Wouter Beke | landlocked
Alweer and Wouter Beke (CD&V) in a difficult parket. The Vlaamse Minister bevoegd voor Welzijn, Volksgezondheid, Gezin en Armoedebestrijding liet deze week het ballonnetje op om het ouderschapsverlof tot three…
CD&V vocalist Joachim Coens zet tangled Wouter Beke in zijn blootje
De uitschuivers van Wouter Beke works de partijtop van CD&V stevig op de heupen. In A statement for the morning Fluit partijvoorzitter Joachim Coens zijn own minister who is al…
CD&V vocalist Joachim Coens zet tangled Wouter Beke in zijn blootje
De uitschuivers van Wouter Beke works de partijtop van CD&V stevig op de heupen. In A statement for the morning Fluit partijvoorzitter Joachim Coens zijn own minister who is al…
Wouter Beke: “Without a whistleblower, fraud contact investigation could not be detected”
The fraud that came to light during the Flemish contact tracing could not be detected without a whistleblower. This is stated by Flemish Minister of Welfare Wouter Beke (CD&V) in…