Etiket: Babet
Schots stadje wordt fully ontruimd uit vrees voor “levensgevaarlijke” storm Babet | Air conditioning
Babet teistert Schotland vandaag en tomorrow with “nooit eerder gezien” weer. The neerslaghoeveelheden can locally extremely high oplopen. The summer beds are available every week and day with a capacity…
Exceptional code red in Scotland due to storm Babet: how hard will the storm hit? And will we also feel this with us?
We started the week sunny and dry, but that is gradually changing. Because storm Babet is moving across Europe and will not do so unnoticed. Meteorologists predict a lot of…
Storm Babet hits Europe: how hard will the storm hit? And what does this mean for us?
We started the week sunny and dry, but that is gradually changing. Because storm Babet is approaching the European mainland and will not pass unnoticed in the coming days. Meteorologists…