Szczesny and Russia: “Let all national teams do as Poland does. Let’s see if Fifa has the p …”

The Polish Juventus goalkeeper: “We made the right choice not to want to play the playoffs. We’ll see if Fifa will have the attributes of making Russia win the World Cup …”

“We made the right choice, not to face Russia in the World Cup playoffs and I am very happy that my teammates also think so. We as a national team will not play and if we have to lose at the table we will do it with our heads held high, knowing that we have done the right thing. Having said that, we hope that the game will not be played and that Russia will not make the World Cup. ” Wojciech Szczesny does not send them to say. At the end of Empoli-Juve, the Juventus and Poland goalkeeper adds: “All the national teams should follow our example. Now we will see if Fifa will have the balls to let Russia win the World Cup. war I am convinced. But their government has made another choice “.

on the match

“They pressed us man against man across the board, I know it’s a bad excuse, but I’ll tell you anyway: we could never find the depth because there was a very strong wind against, so we were forced to play it under pressure and open field sometimes you make mistakes. In the second half, when in doubt, the long ball was thrown and the opposing team stretched and it went a little better. But it must also be said that Empoli prepared it very well and they put us in a lot of difficulties “.

The Scudetto?

“We always take a look at the top (smiles, ed). We have very important goals ahead of us. If we succeed I don’t know, we are still behind, but those in front are braking a bit and we try, but now let’s take one game at a time. Today it was essential to bring home the three points, we did it, suffering a little, but tomorrow it will be written +3 Juventus and this is the important thing. Then where you arrive you arrive. We have the ‘goal to get to 83 points and that’s it. We think about winning the next one. We still have 11 games, there are still 33 points to take, if we need 83 points and that’s it, fine, but we must not have the regret of not reaching 83 points “.

Vitamin Dusan

“The arrival of someone like Vlahovic brings enthusiasm, then it shows on the pitch that he gives us a presence in front, he is very good at holding the ball, then when he is in front of the goal he never misses it. He brought us a lot of enthusiasm and quality. so he will be a very important player for the future of this team. “
