Syrian Tarek: “I want to prove that I have something to offer and am not here to take advantage”

New in NH is a series of portraits of refugee Syrians who now live in North Holland. Today the story of Tarek Al Mohammed, who fled Syria after experiencing a lot of war violence up close.

Tarek survived the dangerous crossing of the Mediterranean Sea and eventually ended up in the Netherlands in 2015. From that moment on he wanted to prove that he has something to offer and did not come to the Netherlands to profit.

Tarek obtained his degree in Aviation Technology in Delft and now lives in Tuindorp in Amsterdam, where he really enjoys his neighborhood.

In the series Nieuw in NH, new North Hollanders talk about their lives in Syria, the violence of war, the journey to Europe and finding their way in the Netherlands. The portraits were made by NH journalist Mohammad Al Moussa and MBO college intern Hilversum Nagham Alsahli, both of whom also fled from Syria to the Netherlands.
