Syrian cyclist Valt Vluchtelingenkampen aan: 9 days and 77 won | Buitenland

Because of the people’s rights organization, the Syrian legislators are now planning to launch rockets in the camp and in other countries in the north-west of the province. The Russian Air Force will have airborne warnings in the area.

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Bij de aanvallen zou also verboden clustermunitie zijn bruikt. Cluster bombs are in such containers that they are formed with a large amount of small explosives that spread over a large area and make many slaughterhouses.

A verslaggever van persbureau AFP die ter Plaatse was in het vluchtelingenkamp Marwan bevestigde de aanval op dat Kampen des Brande tenten en bloedbesmeurde aarde.

Lees verder onder de foto’s.

Idlib is the last area in Syrië that is still in hand from opposeling the right days of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, that the military command was given to Russia. If the situation began in 2011, some of the consequences of the United Nations were greater than 350,000 men and women, and 27,000 children.
