Synergy: mind, body and time in synergy for beauty

THETime should not be considered a “luxury”, but an exclusive personal moment in which to rediscover one’s daily psycho-physical well-being. Contemporary society, with its incessant and tight rhythms, leads us to disconnect from ourselves, therefore it becomes fundamental to regain one’s timerebalancing our essence with what surrounds us.

With its products, Synesia – beauty brand, born from the idea of ​​Afsoon Neginy, Coo Business and Sustainability Director of Af88 Holding – takes us on a sensory journey. How? Through rituals delicates that act on the skin and hair biosystem.

Sinesia, the first cosmetic line that works on mind and time

The idea of ​​the brand starts from two concepts that are summarized in the philosophy, “Mind the time“.

“There mind: with our brain, it is the seat of emotions, thoughts and psychophysical well-being »begins to explain Afsoon Neginy, co-founder of the brand.

The name Synesia (from the Greek synesis which means sense, intelligence, understanding) was chosen because the cosmetic products it produces must be interpreted and used as a holistic beauty treatment that helps people reconnect with their mind.

«The line works“ from the neck up ”: treating hair, face and scalp, as a single integrated universe»Specifies the co-founder.

Afsoon Neginy, co-founder of the brand and COO Business and Sustainability Director of Agf88 Holding

But not only that, a second fundamental concept at the basis of the brand is the use and re-appropriation of time. The society we live in – with its frenetic pace and the last two years of the pandemic – have taught us to take more time for ourselves, paying attention to what is really good for us.

“Sinesia offers all this: new sensory paths capable of stimulating the senses and giving life to new connections in order to achieve authentic beauty»Concludes Afsoon Neginy.

Delicate rituals for renewed beauty

With a holistic approach, the brand has created gods multifunctional and effective products that, through delicate rituals, bring mind, body and time into synergy.

By creating an interconnection and activating psychic well-being, thus rediscovering a physical sensoriality that finally becomes a real dimension.

Reptilian, limbic and neocortex brain: in balance for well-being

To achieve a state of well-being, according to Sinesia experts it is necessary to work on the three specific areas of our brain: instinctive (reptilian brain), emotional (limbic brain) e rational (neocortex).

sinesia skin in harmony

Photo Credits: Marco de Filippo

These “3 brains” must therefore be in balance with each other, thus expressing their potential. For this reason, the products of the Sinesia line – and its rituals – have been formulated and designed to promote reconnection, acting on the hair, face and scalp as if they were a single interconnected ecosystem, to ensure the maximum achievement of beauty and well-being.

“Greenrich beauty”, vegan and waterless formulas

With the term “Greenrich Beauty” the brand instead wants to underline its main prerogatives: sustainability, performance and sensoriality. Thanks to the formulations rich in functional principles, it is possible to obtain maximum results in just a few applications, while choosing to respect the entire ecosystem.

Composed from 99% ingredients of natural origin and up to 98% biodegradable; they are 100% Vegan friendly.

sinesia beauty treatments

Photo Credits: Marco de Filippo

In addition, there is no shortage waterless and powder products, a very current and highly requested trend, designed to preserve and safeguard the most important well-being of our ecosystem, namely water. In doing so, the Sinesia brand, also through the Lifegate certification relating to packagingtakes the side of the planet, guaranteeing a reduction in the environmental impact of products and offsetting the emissions of production with the protection of a forest and wooded area in Madagascar.

