Syndic is a bottleneck profession: Syntra West starts training

Syndic is a bottleneck profession: Syntra West starts training

There is a shortage of syndics, the VDAB website lists almost 80 vacancies, for West Flanders alone. They especially need them on the coast.

Training from November

In Ostend, for example, seven out of ten homes are apartments. Not only second residents, but also 60,000 inhabitants of Ostend live in an apartment. Syntra West will start training as a property manager in November to eliminate the shortage.

Elke Uyttenhove of Syntra West: “Apartment buildings are added every day: the more apartments, the more needs to be managed. So we are definitely looking for professionals. Today it is a bottleneck profession, the demand will only increase.”

“Training more than welcome”

That training is more than welcome, say the syndics. “We write out vacancies, they are not filled,” says property manager Charlotte Verbeken, who manages about 50 apartment buildings in Ostend.

“If they are filled in, it is usually by people who do not know what they are actually applying for. Then we can possibly forward them to Syntra, so that they still have the baggage to get started with us.”

The general real estate training at Syntra West has also been reformed. Saturday there is an information day in Ostend.
