‘Sylvie Meis deliberately chooses a dorky lover for PR reasons’

Sylvie Meis can now play foursomes with all her wealthy (ex-)lovers. Now she has hooked demolition millionaire Wim Beelen again. “She now consciously chooses a dorky guy.”

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It sometimes seems as if Sylvie Meis has lost herself in her media persona. Her whole life seems to be designed around how she comes across on television and social media. Is this girl even real? According to juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer, she even chose her new love partner based on PR considerations.


Sylvie has recently been together with demolition millionaire Wim Beelen, who appears in some photos and stills looks like a cheap parody of King Willem-Alexander. Frank Dane thinks that that relationship will last very short and according to Johan Derksen, her umpteenth choice for a rich guy proves that although she is ‘lucky’, she is also ‘intensely bad’.

What does Yvonne actually think of it? “You have to think from Sylvie’s perspective,” she puts things into perspective. “She has enough money and wants a certain lifestyle in her life. She can’t go with a free agent where she has to pay for everything. That’s point 1.”

Silly guy

“But now it comes,” Yvonne continues. “Her biggest fear is being single at her age. Being AI 45 and not being able to commit a man to you is very bad for her image.”

And Sylvie lives off her image. “That’s why she has now chosen this somewhat dorky man, in the hope that he will not leave her. After all, he should be happy with her as a catch 😉. Sylvie is on it downdate because she doesn’t want to be alone again in the outside world. Sorry Wim. 🙈”
