Sylvana Simons is annoyed by Op1 interview with Laurens Dassen

Sylvana Simons was very annoyed on the couch last night by the Op1 interview with Laurens Dassen, the political leader of Volt. “The best interviewer in the country?!”


Op1’s Friday broadcast is entirely devoted to politics in the run-up to the House of Representatives elections. The duo Sven Kockelmann and Tijs van den Brink receive politicians and experts every week to talk about the plans for the country. Yesterday Lilian Marijnissen (SP) and Laurens Dassen (Volt) sat opposite each other at the table.

Abolish the Netherlands?

Laurens wants the European Union to have much more power, at the expense of the power of member states such as the Netherlands. “Does that really mean that we will dissolve the Netherlands soon? Abolition, as far as you are concerned?” Tijs asks him in the broadcast of Op1.

According to Laurens, that won’t happen. “No, it is not that you are dissolving the Netherlands, but it is that you are organizing cooperation differently at European level. That is necessary.”

From country to province

Tijs asks again just to be sure: “Will the Netherlands continue to exist as a country?”

Yes, says Laurens, but more like a province of Europe. “The Netherlands as a country can continue to exist, just like the provinces in the Netherlands still exist. The only thing you have at the moment, of course, is that you can hardly make quick decisions in Europe.”

And a more powerful Europe must change that.

Sylvana is annoyed

Sylvana Simons was very annoyed at home on the couch by the way Laurens was interrogated. “Laurens Dassen says the word Europe three times on Op1 and the ‘best interviewer in the Netherlands’ wants to know whether he thinks “the Netherlands should be closed down?!” 😩,” she wrote in a message Xwhich has already been viewed 60 thousand times.

Volt supporter Thijs said: “I like how Dassen owns his story.”

Sylvana: “He is doing well. Only sincere table guest. Whether you agree with him or not.”
