Swollen Belly in Menopause: 5 Mistakes and 5 Tips

P.swollen reed, a perennial problem for many women from childhood onwards. But around the age of 50, and even more so when menopause begins, the disorder almost always increases. We call it a “disorder” because it is not just a blemish, but a signal that becomes visible on the body of something wrong with the intestine and hormonal level. We talked about it with nutritionist Martina Donegani, author of the recent book Health in the kitchen (Mondadori) and influencer with 132 thousand followers on his profile @martinalasaluteincucina.

Why does the belly swell in menopause?

With menopause it can easily increase body weightwhich occurs in half of women over the age of 50. The progress of age together with the decrease in estrogen determines in fact a slowing of metabolism (the energy that the body consumes in conditions of rest) and a redistribution of body fat, which becomes similar to the typically male android or “apple” type. That is, it is concentrated in the abdomen, resulting in abdominal swelling and increased cardiovascular risk, because this storage site is associated with visceral fat, the most dangerous.

Water, hydrate yourself in small sips

One tip is to drink frequently and in small sips starting in the morning as soon as you wake up: a glass of non-cold water (it is not necessary to add lemon) helps rehydrate the body after an overnight fast. You can drink it then even during meals: the fact that it slows down digestion is a false myth, just do not exceed 600 ml of water per meal as recommended by Ministerial guidelines. Unsweetened herbal teas And flavored water with mint leaves, ginger and pieces of fruit are then a trick to drink more.

The 5 mistakes to avoid for a swollen belly

1. Don’t eat breakfast. Studies show that those who skip breakfast tend to gain weight more easily

2. Skipping meals thinking it makes you lose weight. You will arrive at the next meal with too much appetite

3. Eliminate carbohydrates. There is no evidence that a high-protein and low-fat diet has beneficial effects in menopause, just don’t overdo the portions.

4. Underestimate the weight of the toppings. Oil is a precious food even in menopause, but it has a considerable caloric value, so it is good not to abuse it and prefer light cooking methods.

5. Always consume ready-made foods. As comfortable as they are, they are often very rich in salt, which causes greater fluid retention, worsening the swelling situation.

The 5 tips to follow

Smaller portions

Implement a mild caloric restrictiona to control weight gain and reduce cardiovascular risk, without skipping meals but simply reducing the portions a little compared to what they used to eat before

The single dish

Have three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) plus two hunger-break snacks of fruit, nuts or yogurt, with main meals rich in vegetables and with a privileged consumption of whole grains and an alternation of vegetable proteins (such as those of legumes) and animal proteins such as those of fish, eggs and white meat, perhaps forming a single dish, which it turns out to be a practical solution to include all the nutrients in the meal without exceeding the doses.

Swollen belly in menopause: what to do to run for cover

Foods rich in calcium

Plug into the power supply foods rich in calcium such as milk and yogurt, green leafy vegetables (dandelion and rocket are particularly rich in it), the almonds and walnutssome fish and shellfish such as clams, mackerel and sardines and dried legumes. Without forgetting that water can be one of the best sources of calcium. In fact, in this phase the risk of osteoporosis increases because the reduction of estrogen causes a lower fixation of calcium in the bones and a weakening, which is why it is particularly important.

Soy, source of phytoestrogens

Plug the soy. It proves to be a precious ally because it is not only rich in calcium but it contains phytoestrogens, compounds with a chemical structure similar to estrogen that help to compensate for the physiological decline, with a protective effect also against osteoporosis.

Unmissable movement

Increase physical activity. In fact, it can help to control body weight because on the one hand it contributes to weight loss consume more calories and on the other it contrasts the physiological decline in metabolism. Basal metabolism is in fact proportional to muscle mass, which is why doing exercises that tone the muscles is so important to increase it. Motor activity is also the best ally for counteract osteoporosis (in conjunction with a diet rich in calcium and adequate levels of vitamin D). Taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator, a forty-minute walk at a brisk pace a day and maybe some mild muscle-building exercises are a healthy touch for the body and also for the mind, thanks to the endorphins produced by the brain that induce good mood.

