Swix promised Finland a new outfit for free

The strange tussle between Perttu Hyvärinen and the Finnish national skiing team took another turn.

Swix, which supplies competition outfits to Finland, promised the national team a free new ski outfit and beanie as compensation for the outfit Hyvärinen auctioned off.

– We don’t want Perttu Hyvärinen to have to ski his future competitions in the national team naked. Although it might also increase the media visibility of the sport and be quite entertaining, informs Swix.

– Therefore, we will deliver one extra ski outfit to the Ski Association and, on top of the sale, also a beanie, Swix promises.

The story continues after the immersion.


The skier’s supporters and the national team management have clashed verbally after Hyvärinen appeared after Friday’s combined competition in the interview area with the product of his personal sponsor in his hands.

Hyväris is threatened with a fine of three thousand euros imposed by the union for breach of contract.

Manager Toy Ojansivu offset the burgeoning financial loss by auctioning off the skier’s competition outfit. The Skiing Federation, on the other hand, was upset about this. Commercial Director Jari-Pekka Jouppi bewitched Ojansivu, who, in his opinion, sold the property of the Ski Association.

– Hell, how did he sell it when it is the property of the Ski Association? It’s a bit the same if I told you that I’ve sold your car: “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it earlier, but would you mind giving me the keys to it, because I’ve sold it on”. Jouppi conjured Iltalehte.

The arguing has not stopped there. Ojansivu flinched in an interview with Ilta-Sanomi Hyvärinen’s sale of the outfit by telling that he had the right to do so.

Swix says in its press release that it understands both parties. The partner tries to build a bridge of peace between the parties.

– There has clearly been a mistake or two in the case, and this is humane. All parties involved in the case have the guarantee of striving for a good and best outcome in order to support the athlete. For this reason, we believe that lessons will be learned from the case, Swix writes in its press release.

Perttu Hyvärinen is at the center of a special commotion. PASI LEISMA
