Switchboard, the tool to work side by side, even when you are not in the same room

Today, many companies work exclusively remotely or in hybrid mode. While these organizational changes have various benefits, they also present some challenges, particularly in terms of collaboration. Employees sometimes spend their day switching between different applications to work together.

However, there are free tools to facilitate their work process, such as switch board. It’s a cloud-based platform that brings together video conferencing, presentation and project creation, and scheduling in one place. It is accessible from any browser.

In the same category

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Multiple integrations

First, you have to create and name your workspace on Switchboard. Certain information is also required, such as their position within the company in which they work, the name of the company and their size.

We then discover an interface that has some similarities with that of the Discord communication platform. Indeed, Switchboard is equipped with “rooms” which allow you to work while being in videoconference. We can create spaces for each team: one for marketing, one for sales teams, one for communication… It is also possible to design spaces to work together on the same client project, or as part of an event. virtual that takes place internally.

switchboard interfaceswitchboard interface

Switchboard makes it easy to add a note, a document, a link… Illustration: Switchboard.

switchboard interfaceswitchboard interface

Switchboard offers several integrations. Pictured: Switchboard.

Each member of the company can access these rooms. However, it is possible to make some of them private by inviting only a few collaborators. To create rooms, just click on the “+” button next to the tab in question. For added security, each of them is encrypted.

Once you are in one of the spaces, you can add a note, a document, a video or even a link. To do this, select the small colored icons at the bottom left of the interface. Each added element appears directly in the room. Just zoom in using the trackpad to view everything more easily. Note that a screen sharing option is also offered to easily design remote presentations with colleagues.

The advantage is that it is not necessary to navigate between different tabs to collaborate on the same project, because the tool offers a multitude of integrations. We find the most popular, such as Slack, Figma, YouTube, Google Docs, Unsplash, Microsoft or Atlassian. Items are automatically saved when you close the platform. It also gives the possibility to connect your Google calendar. This way, you have immediate visibility on your upcoming events or presentations.

Switchboard is also equipped with videoconferencing functionality. Each person in the space appears in a round bubble at the top. It takes up only a small part of the screen, so that everyone can focus on their current activity rather than on the faces of the participants. As with other tools on the market, you can mute your camera or microphone in one click.

The objective of this cloud platform is therefore to make remote work more fluid. In a few clicks, everyone can contribute to a project while communicating with their collaborators from a single interface.
