Switch quickly in preparation for ‘public edition’ LVK final | 1Limburg

The preparations for the final of the Limburg Vastelaovesleedjes Konkoer (LVK) usually do not take place overnight, but now it had to be. At the very last moment, an audience is allowed in the hall.

“For LVK concepts, 500 people in the hall is of course modest, if you know that there are normally 7000 spectators. But we are really happy with this,” says Paul Franssen.

Switch quickly
The director of Schouwburg Venray is happy that his theater is the setting for the grand finale of the Limburg Vastelaoves Leedjes Konkoer this year. It’s a lot of work for the technical people. “It will certainly be exciting,” says Rob Driessen. “But we’ve done this before, so everything will be fine.”

For L1 director Rob Ritzen this is the second edition in which he directs during the TV registration. “I expected that this would be another event without an audience, just like last year.”

Waste paper basket
For the young director, it is improvising with a clear plan: “Fortunately, the room is a bit full. It doesn’t matter anymore that from the preparation until now we have thrown five scripts in the trash due to all the corona complications of the past. period of time.”
