Swimsuit test, how to overcome insecurities

TOanxiety, dissatisfaction, exaggerated expectations. The most dreamed-of moment of the year, i.e. the holidays, can suddenly turn into an occasion for stress: even stars like Jennifer Lopez And Salma Hayek, beautiful at any age, but always grappling with the ruthless judgments of the haters at every photo in swimsuit or bikini. The good news is that there are ways to solve it and serenely enjoy the longed-for holidays in a bikini or one-piece swimsuit.

Swimsuit fitting: what it is and how to fight the

Turning the costume rehearsal into a happy moment

From those who can’t accept the signs of aging to those who are convinced they have the wrong curves in the wrong place, up to those who train three times a week in the gym. The moment of the so-called swimsuit rehearsal can arouse discomfort to anyone.

The psychologist Claudia Campisiwho collaborates with TherapyChatoffers a series of tips to adopt a more positive approach towards your body.

Cultivate uniqueness, like Jennifer Lopez

Every woman is unique and beautiful in her own way, as evidenced by the pop star wife of Ben Affleck. Since his inception 30 years ago, he has staked everything on extreme discipline and on valuing being different from skinny canons 90’s. Even today she is a style reference and inspires curvilinear women, but not only, with her beachwear artfully designed to be sinuous to the nth degree.

«Love for one’s body must be experienced detached from size, from any imperfections, such as scars or acne, or from a shape that does not reflect the schemes proposed by society» says the psychologist Claudia Campisi «The attention must instead focus on the conscious acceptance of oneself and of the characteristics that make us unique which cannot be reduced to the physical aspect»

The pride of curves, like Salma Hayek

According to research by TherapyChat, the blues bikini “comes from a lack of self-awareness and insecurity, combined with comparison with distant and poorly accessible models proposed by advertising, the media and social networks. Factors that, today, often lead to depriving oneself of freedom to discover themselves, a possibility that women had to conquer in the past“.

One of the best ways to combat these insecurities is to take care of your body by improving the connection between body and mind, an art in which the Latin diva is a true champion. Always and in any case proud of her petite physique (she is one meter and 57 centimeters tall) and her generous décolleté.

Martina Colombari, beautiful beyond the haters

Italian stars are no different and must continually deal with ruthless comments on social media. From Michelle Hunziker in a bikini in the snow a Lorella Cuccarini super toned at 57, even the most beautiful must come to terms with the impossible contemporary aesthetic diktats. One of the most recent cases is that of Martina Colombari, targeted because she is apparently too thin. Fortunately, the almost 48-year-old model also has many fans who defend and respect her to the bitter end.

However, comparisons hurt and a trick to living yourself to the fullest is to keep away from social media, or learn to ignore certain disrespectful comments. But TherapyChat also offers another solution.

Is called introspective listening: that is, talking to each other with respect, dedicating time and attention to each other. All ways to cultivate a constructive self talk, which increases self-esteem and confidence in one’s uniqueness.

