Swimming World Championship 2023 | Wesemann jumps past the World Cup podium

Moritz Wesemann ensured the best result so far for German water jumpers at the World Championships in Fukuoka, Japan. Thanks to a strong last jump, the 20-year-old came sixth from the one-meter board.

So far, only tenth places have been booked for German athletes in Japan. Wesemann scored 388.55 points. However, the Halle native was 29.75 points short of the bronze medal placed by Zheng Jiuyan from China.

The world champion was the Chinese Peng Jianfeng, who celebrated his greatest success after the 2019 World Championships bronze and thus continued the Chinese winning streak at the water jumping competitions in Fukuoka. The 28-year-old scored 440.45 points, second-placed Mexican Osmar Olivera Ibarra scored 428.85 points.
