Swimming, Barelli suspended for two years, he has been president of Federnuoto since 2000

The Fina Ethics Commission condemned him for “multiple violations of the Statute and the Code of Ethics”

Two years of disqualification for Paolo Barelli. The ethics commission of Fina (International Swimming Federation), which had already suspended the Italian executive – president of Federnuoto since 2000 – from any activity even in Italy, today condemned him on the basis of “multiple violations of the Statute and the Code of Ethics of Fina “.

The accusations

In particular, reference is made to a “unilateral” contract for an addendum between the European Federation and Federnuoto which would have had a benefit between 500 thousand and one and a half million euros. Among the accusations, the famous dispute of “double invoicing” of the works for the swimming pools of the Foro Italico is also indicated. Barelli’s disqualification will be calculated from 14 September 2022, the date of the provisional suspension.
