Swept out of the Ulmer Halle: Bonn’s basketball players hit hard

Status: 06/15/2023 09:03 a.m

Horror at the Baskets Bonn after the third game of the final series: In Ulm, the winner of the preliminary round of the BBL was clearly put in his place. It’s all about Friday now.

Exceptional player TJ Shorts was very brief after the massive defeat for his Bonn basketball players. “Everything went wrong. They made their throws, they did everything better,” said the sweaty Telekom Baskets star on Wednesday evening after the hearty 84:112 at Ratiopharm Ulm.

The Bonners, who are so superior in the regular season, seem really battered for the first time in the final. With a score of 1: 2 in the best-of-five series, a win is needed this Friday (8:30 p.m.) to keep the chance of the first championship.

  • The games of the BBL finals series
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The audience in Ulm becomes a factor

The extremely loud Ulm fans then want to celebrate the first coronation of their club. “I don’t care about the audience, I only hear my fans and my family in my head,” said Shorts at Magentasport.

The 25-year-old looked unnerved and frustrated on Wednesday evening, and Shorts made many mistakes. However, he does not believe that the level of defeat will also play a role in game four. “It’s a defeat. It doesn’t matter if we lose by one, two or 100 points. We have to win on Friday.”

Friday must be won

Ulm’s coach Anton Gavel looked rather severe right after the end of the game. Even success with a difference of 38 points did not trigger enthusiasm. “It’s just a win. We still need one. There’s nothing left for which we should spare ourselves,” said the ex-professional. They want to “do everything possible” to celebrate this victory in their own hall on Friday.

Bonn’s coach Iisalo watched desperately from the outside as his team fell further and further behind. Much will depend on Friday for the injured Javontae Hawkins to return. A possible fifth game would take place on Sunday (3 p.m.) in Bonn instead of.
