Sweetheart Peter R. de Vries causes annoyance, wants to cash in with book

Tahmina Akefi, the girlfriend of the late Peter R. de Vries, causes a lot of annoyance. She announces that she is going to publish a book about her love affair with the murdered journalist.


It looks like Tahmina Akefi is doing a Rachel Hazesje. The journalist is working on a large book about her love affair with Peter R. de Vries: My Great Love. She claims that initially the plan was to release this together. “Early on in our relationship, Peter came up with the idea of ​​writing a book together.”

love relationship

Peter wanted to put out a book about his love life? huh? “It had to be our story, the story of an unexpected meeting that led to a special love affair. “It was written in the stars that we would meet,” he wrote in one of his letters to me.

During his life Tahmina never came into the picture, but after his death she is suddenly everywhere. “Peter was convinced that defining events in our lives were meant to bring us together.”

Strong criticism

Tahmina is heavily criticized for her intention to write a book, among others by Yvonne Coldeweijer, who wrote a while ago. juice announced about her. “The intention was that they would write a book together about their love affair? Uh huh… ? I wonder what Peter’s children think about this… “

There is also criticism from the members of NU.nl. “Using your suffering as a revenue model. Of course Peter wanted that too. Only his children didn’t know that. Just do it. I’m not going to read it,” says VdApp.


Tahmina just wants to get rich on Peter’s back, Frans believes. “She wants to earn from the death of De Vries. Or does she give what she earns with it to a good cause? I do not think so. So just enrichment. Can you scream that she has had a hard time, that’s fine, but don’t act hypocritical and earn from it.”

Finally, Marie Claire: “I wonder who still has to be convinced. I always had that feeling with her previous performances. Whatever came out at the time, I thought very private and to put such matters in a book after someone’s death I don’t think it is appropriate. Keep it to yourself is my motto.”


Tahmina is criticized a lot:
