‘Sven Hammond does not agree with exchanging Matthijs van Nieuwkerk’

According to Angela de Jong, Matthijs van Nieuwkerk does not have to fear that his TV child Matthijs Goes Door will also be robbed by a former colleague. “Sven Hammond does not agree with that.”

© Ben Houdijk, BNNVARA

After four seasons, Matthijs Goes Door, the musical TV show by Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, has come to an end for the time being. After all, after the riot about his alleged misconduct at DWDD, the presenter resigned from BNNVARA, where the program was broadcast. In any case, there is no follow-up in the short term.

“Sven says no”

The band Sven Hammond, led by keyboardist Sven Figee, has played a very prominent role in the program all along. Will he also do a Leo Blokhuisje and will he soon make a program with another presenter? Eric Corton, for example, who put himself forward?

Angela de Jong thinks not, she says in the AD Media podcast. “I think there will be the problem that a Sven Hammond would not do that so quickly with another presenter. (…) That very much has the Matthijs van Nieuwkerk DNA, just like De Wereld Draait Door.”


Colleague Manuel Venderbos wonders. “Well, Leo Blokhuis also did it very quickly.”

Angela thinks the presentation of the Top 2000 A Gogo is something else. “I think it’s more of a program where you enter, you present it and you’re gone. I mean: Matthijs Goes Door is the successor to De Wereld Draait Door and it has his own signature in it. I think Sven Hammond says: ‘I’m not doing it.’”

Not magical

The Top 2000 A Gogo is not a real Matthijs TV, says Angela. “I didn’t really like Matthijs van Nieuwkerk there either, but I’m not a huge music fan and that program doesn’t have those magical features for me.”

What about The Connection, which was hijacked by Patrick Lodiers? “I have never found The Connection such a huge Matthijs van Nieuwkerk program. I always thought it was a bit of a so-so format. The umpteenth knowledge quiz, again with celebrities. I don’t think he’s a born quizmaster.”

Regret exiting?

Angela also wonders whether Matthijs will not regret his resignation from BNNVARA. “I wonder if he will still be so happy in six months that he did that, leaving BNNVARA. When the dust has settled and maybe look back a little milder on how his broadcaster acted.”

“I wonder if he won’t regret what he threw away. Those titles are of course from BNNVARA. He can sign a contract with Omroep MAX, but he will do something else there.”
