SV Pesse leaves last place, Valthermond books seven toppers

2L: Valthermond wins big, WKE’16 loses

In the 2nd division L Valthermond had an easy afternoon. The league-leader won 7-0 after a very early red card from Gruno’s Omer Cagiran (for kicking after kicking). Substitute Yordi van der Laan scored twice and the other goals were made by Milan Draijer, Rick Schlimback, Jordi Weggemans and Alwin Braakman.

Due to the victory, Valthermond still remains the unbeaten leader with 26 points from 10 matches. GVAV Rapiditas is second and even slightly better than Valthermond: 25 out of 9.

The number 3 (until this afternoon), WKE’16, lost. At Helpman, the team of coach Albert Koops lost 1-0. The team from Emmen now has 19 points from 11 matches and has been surpassed by Rolder Boys, who had no problem on their own field with the last player Nieuw Buinen: 3-0. Sander Jansen (2x) and Siemen Krikke took care of the goals before the break. Rolder Boys now has 20 points from 10 games.

the game between Annen and Peize ended in a draw: 1-1. Leon Tiersma scored for Annen, while Leon Cats hit the net for the visitors. Both teams are in the middle of the 2nd division L.
