Suzanne is being stalked by a killer: “I sleep with a crowbar next to my bed”

Raimond S., the murderer of Annemarie Sluijs, was in court today on suspicion of stalking. He is said to have harassed and stalked two women in the Alkmaar area. The public prosecutor is demanding a prison sentence of six months, four of which are conditional. With a probationary period of three years and special conditions.

Photo to illustrate: Patrik Nygren (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Raimond S. (49) is suspected of attacking and stalking two women from the Alkmaar area. Suzanne*, one of the victims with whom NH Nieuws spoke earlier, has been harassed by him since November. He asked for information about Suzanne in several places, called the restaurant where she works several times and visited her twice at work.

Suzanne (45) indicates that her life has been turned upside down for months. “I always look back and never take the same route home and work again. I even sleep with a crowbar next to my bed.”

The Public Prosecution Service today demanded a prison sentence of six months, of which four suspended, with a probation period of three years. Raimond S. declares his innocence before the judge. He would only have contacted an old acquaintance. There would be absolutely no question of stalking. “We have a past and it runs deep.” He indicates that he loves Suzanne dearly, whom he knows from the time when she still worked in a café in Alkmaar.

Raimond S. calls the indictment bizarre. “I was not aware of any harm. This was not my approach at all, I was only looking for an old acquaintance. I had imagined how things went differently. It is clear: she does not want contact.”

It is clear to the public prosecutor that the suspect has a completely different view of the relationship than the victim. “After several rejections, he continued to seek contact, which means systematic harassment. He was really looking for her and went to great lengths to find out where she was.”

Murder of Annemarie

Raimond S. has several violent crimes to his name. Between 1995 and 2005, he was convicted three times for threats and assault. In 2006 he murdered his neighbor below, the 29-year-old Annemarie Sluijs from Alkmaarafter he stalked and threatened her for a long time. He was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia with persecution delusions. He is convinced that various people and organizations are targeting him.

According to the officer, stalking has also been legally and convincingly proven in this case. “You harassed and murdered a woman in a delusional disorder. Imagine what your inappropriate approach to fear is causing and how it affects the victims. We cannot ignore the suspect’s past. Your behavior showed all alarm bells are going off.”

In addition to a prison sentence, the Public Prosecution Service demands a duty to treat and report, with electronic monitoring and a contact and area ban for a period of five years. If he does not comply with the conditions, he can be detained without the intervention of the judge. “The longer probationary period is a big stick to prevent a recurrence.”

“No protective measure can reassure me”

Victim Suzanne* (45) from Alkmaar

The probation service keeps a close eye on his medication use and says he notices ‘an enormous difference in behavior after taking the medication.’ This statement is at odds with the conclusion of his practitioners from 2007.

Despite taking high-dose antipsychotic medication, his delusions were “uncorrectable” and “accompanied by strong feelings of anger.” “Schizophrenia is a disorder with a chronic course and from time to time leads to acute relapses and a deterioration of psychosocial functioning,” the verdict reads.


The victims are not comfortable with the requirement with the special conditions. “Who says he will follow that restraining order and who says the police will be on time when I press that button? No protective measure can reassure me. He has stated that he has ‘always had a crush on me’ and when he looking for me at work, he told my colleague that he loves me dearly and misses me. These intense emotions are unfounded and worry me a lot.”

He also had strong feelings of love for Annemarie Sluijs, which over time turned into anger and delusions. “I’m terrified that he’s creating the same obsession for me and that he’s hurting me or my family too.”

The judge will rule on the case in two weeks.

*Suzanne’s real name is known to the editors.

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