Suvi Pitkänen recovers from her separation and the death of her brother

Suvi Pitkänen recovers from the harsh spring. The long-term relationship with ex-fiancé Marko ended, in addition to which Pitkänen’s brother died in March.

Suvi Pitkänen says that she dreams of moving abroad. Antti Nikkanen

DJ and Finnish influencer Suvi Pitkänen, 35, has been in trouble for spring. He divorced from a long relationship in the winter, in addition to his brother MC Toni died in March. Pitkänen tells Iltalehti at the opening party of the summer terrace of the Hampton Bay restaurant that he is recovering from a difficult period in his life.

– Compared to the circumstances, everything is fine now, Pitkänen says.

Pitkänen doesn’t have a new relationship, and he doesn’t want one. Relationship ex-engaged Markon with lasted seven years. The ex-couple has a common daughter.

– There is always a bit of a dispute over the divorce, but our daughter’s affairs have been taken care of really well. Marko also moved to Jätkäsaari, so we are quite close to each other and it is easy to arrange childcare on both sides. In that sense, all very well.

Suvi and her ex-fiancé Marko spoke about the resignation in February. Antti Nikkanen

Pitkänen says that he has done a lot of DJ gigs and other work, when it has been possible again after the corona. Pitkänen also has an online store for beauty products. He states that he has taken a lot of work, leaving grief less.

– There are as many gigs as you can do and soon I will have a new song, he is happy.

– Now you realize that you need to slow down a bit and give more time for yourself, recovery and grief. I find that I have drowned everything in it when it is terribly hectic, going and doing. Within the last week, I made the decision to rest now.

Pitkänen reveals that he dreams of DJ gigs abroad. Nor does he consider moving abroad to be an impossible idea.

– Now that so much of everything has changed here, I have started to wonder if the damn should be in this bustle right away, to go and look at life elsewhere than here in Finland. Of course, children, when it is so I can’t just go anywhere, Pitkänen says.
