SUV accident in Berlin-Mitte with four dead – suspended sentence is final

The verdict in the trial of the serious accident that killed four pedestrians two and a half years ago on Invalidenstrasse in Mitte is final.

The Berlin Regional Court announced on Monday on request that the two-year suspended prison sentence imposed on the SUV driver at the time had not been contested by any of the parties to the proceedings.

On February 17, the 45-year-old man was found guilty of four counts of negligent manslaughter and negligent endangerment of road traffic. The judges reasoned that he was driving a car just a month before the accident, despite his epilepsy and brain surgery.

Because of his health history, the man could and should have recognized that he was not fit to drive. The court also imposed a two-year driver’s license suspension and 15,000 euros as a condition.

On September 6, 2019, the entrepreneur had an epileptic seizure while driving an SUV (sports utility vehicle). As a result, his car crashed onto the sidewalk of Invalidenstrasse and hit the pedestrians. A three-year-old boy, his 64-year-old grandmother and two men, aged 28 and 29, died.

With their verdict, the judges went six months beyond the sentence demanded by the public prosecutor. The court had just decided on a suspended sentence for the driver, the verdict said.

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► Fatal SUV accident in Mitte – suspended sentence applied for

► The harrowing sentences of a mother who lost her child (3) in an SUV accident

It was taken into account that the man released his patient file and released doctors from their duty of confidentiality. In doing so, he provided clarification assistance. In addition, the 45-year-old, who had no previous convictions, showed deep regret and paid 50,000 euros in damages.

The defense attorney had pleaded for an acquittal or a conviction for minor negligence.
