Sustainable outdoor pool makes winter swimming possible: “We need to get rid of the gas”

Swimming all year round in the heated outdoor pool of De Crommenije: that is the wish of Zaankanter David Sluis, who has already attracted 1000 supporters through a petition. But due to the high gas prices, the municipality of Zaanstad does not want it. According to David, you can if you really want to. He went with two councilors to Bennekom, where De Vrije Slag is heated sustainably and almost without gas consumption. Water pumps and solar collectors heat the water. An example for Zaanstad, says David.

Manager Alex van Hunen of De Vrije Slag takes the time to explain to the Zaan mission how they have been trying to make the swimming pool sustainable for years. “We can also heat on gas, but that is only for when there is no other option.” And now that the gas wants to rise, they no longer use gas at all. The 23 solar collectors and two water pumps are sufficient to heat the 50 meter outdoor pool. Only when it freezes it is not possible to get the water up to temperature.

water pump

David and councilors Geert Rijken of the PvdA and Flip Hoedemaeker of D66 also believe that sustainable energy sources are the future. “We have to get rid of the gas completely,” says Hoedemaeker and his colleague Rijken thinks an investment in water pumps is an interesting one. “If you see how they pay for it here in three years, we should definitely take a closer look.”

And according to both councilors, it is also necessary to start heating sustainably. Recent figures show that swimming pools and sports halls in Zaanstad in particular are responsible for the largest CO2 emissions from gas heating.

Good for health

It is important to David that it is also possible to swim in the winter. “It is important that people can continue to exercise. Imagine if the corona breaks out and the sports halls close again. Then swimming outside is a last option and good for social and mental health.”

The two councilors are not yet completely convinced of winter swimming, but they are of sustainable heating of the bathing water. In any case, David will continue until he can swim laps again in the winter in a heated outdoor pool in Zaanstad.
