Sustainable Christmas village shop windows adorn Oude Kijk and Stoel Draaierstraat Groningen

Just like last year, entrepreneurs in the Oude Kijk and Stoel Draaierstraat in Groningen have decorated their shop windows in the spirit of Christmas and Winter Wonderland.

From December 12, Christmas villages can be admired in 12 different shop windows in the old Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat and the Stoel Draaierstraat.

To arise

“The idea arose in 2021 in response to the mandatory store closure. I thought it was a shame that there was nothing left to see in the street,” says Kim Hoetjes-Mulders, the initiator of the project. A Christmas village provides a pleasant atmosphere and with several participating stores, people can enjoy a stroll past all the Christmas windows. “Every entrepreneur has put his own spin on it. Very nice to see.”


Kim contacted the Groningen City Club and the municipality of Groningen in the hope of receiving a subsidy. And that worked. Winter Wonderland was a great success last year, attracting many beaming children (and adults) in December. This year, 4 additional entrepreneurs are participating, and hopefully even more next year.


Purchasing for this year already started in February. More than 95% of the furnishings were purchased second-hand, making the project more sustainable. The lights and sockets were purchased new for fire safety reasons.

It has a smart smart plug energy monitor so that the attractions are turned off at night. Only the battery-powered houses remain on at night.

Prize package

Anyone who comes to take a look may also win a nice prize package. Framed letters have been incorporated into the shop windows of the participating entrepreneurs. Find all the framed letters among the twelve participating entrepreneurs and form a word of 12 letters related to the holidays. Prizes will be drawn at random from all correct entries.

The shop windows can be admired until January 3, 2024.

The participating companies are: Wirwar Games and Puzzles, Oude Kijk 40. De Stadsakker, Oude Kijk 38. De Zwerver, Oude Kijk 43. Black & Bloom, Oude Kijk 32. Nanouk Store, Oude Kijk 30. Paais! Tasting room, Oude Kijk 24. Jaxon’s Groningen, Oude Kijk 23. Walter’s Bookshop, Oude Kijk 10. I Shop Rug, Oude Kijk 19.
