Sustainable behaviors: Italian women over 50 are greener

C.sustainable behaviors: Italians are in the European average, champions when it’s time to sit at the table, at the bottom of the rankings on the mobility front. This is what a survey carried out by Other consumption (will be published in the February issue of the magazine) together with consumer associations from 13 other countries.

«A panel of experts gave a sustainability score to habits related to five areas: food, travel and mobility, water and energy at home, waste management and the purchase of products and services», Explains Flavio Pelligrinuzzi, who oversaw the survey for Italy:« On these areas, in September 2021, European citizens were then interviewed with an online questionnaire. The answers thus allowed us to draw up one ranking of countries based on the sustainability index of the various behaviors “. In our country, 1019 citizens answered the questions.

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Italy in the middle of the table

In comparison with the other 14 countries,Italy is in the middle of the table with a sustainability index of 53. Austria is at the top, Russia is at the bottom. “But it is an average figure”, explains Pelligrinuzzi, “which takes into account aspects in which we excel and others in which we are still very lacking”.

We are above average in terms of nutrition, below in terms of mobility. Yet, according to experts and unbeknownst to many, mobility is one of the key sectors for reducing environmental impact, second only to that of food. But there are those who do everything they can to live green: they are women, over 55 and educated. “It doesn’t surprise us: the attention to sustainability issues is decidedly greater in the female component of the population, especially in the adult range, “explains the curator. But let’s go in order.

Too many cars, few bikes

cycling day

(Photo Getty Images)

On the mobility front, as we said, we are lacking: only 38% of Italians move mainly on foot, by bicycle or by public transport, 43% avoids or reduces air travel by preferring less polluting means, only 11% do not own a car in their family, only 5% have a hybrid or electric car. “It is an important issue, which has cultural and structural reasons”, explains the author of the investigation: “It is well known that Italians are very keen on owning a private vehicle”. Just look at the number of cars per population: we are at the very first places in Europe. “But neither can the full responsibility be attributed to the citizens: the network of cycle paths and the public transport service does not allow many to do without the car except on rare occasions”, continues the curator of the survey .

At the table we are champions

As many as 74% of Italians reduce the consumption of food of animal origin (meat, fish, dairy products …) or do not consume it at all, 71% avoids or reduces it waste of food and 28% buy at least 40% of food products with labels related to sustainability: even when it comes to sustainability, Italian excels (we are in second place, immediately after Austria). Also because it is a sector in which we are traditionally champions.

“Precisely because of the propensity we have to inform ourselves, however, it would be advisable for the information on the foods to be clear and not misleading. Green certifications must be standardized and words like eco and green cannot be used for marketing purposes but correspond to the real quality of the products ».

sustainable table

Fewer animal products and more zero-km foods: this is how the table is green (Getty Images)

Separate collection: let’s not misunderstand

In terms of waste management, we generally position ourselves in the middle of the table (53% use the products for as long as possible, carry out the necessary maintenance to extend their life cycle), but we are champions in separate collection (80% separates waste adequately, inquires about the methods and throws it where required).

The little big surprise is that this area is considered central by many but not so much by industry experts: for example habits related to food have a double “weight” on overall sustainability than those related to waste management. Nutrition, which is evaluated as the most relevant aspect by experts, ranks third in the perception of citizens (surpassed not only by waste management but also by the management of water and energy at home). «We note an underestimation of the importance of habits related to mobility and travel. This aspect is considered the least influential by the citizens, while in the opinion of the experts it is the second most impactful “.

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Individual responsibilities and structural reasons also add up when considering the domestic environment: «It is difficult, for example, to have a well-insulated house independently, if you live in a condominium. The eco-bonus was an important step to support citizens in adopting useful behavior ».

So if today only 45% have a well insulated house, the future will be brighter. Still, 64% of Italians save energy by not using the air conditioner and heating too much, turning off the lights and stand-by devices, and 47% have energy-efficient appliances, devices, lighting and heating systems. of energy and water. A sign that it has been understood how a greater investment today corresponds to an economic return in the medium and long term.

The importance of correct information

Finally, the purchase of goods and services: i53% of Italians buy as little as possible and in a way that is adequate to their real needs. 35% undertake to buy products and services with labels that refer to sustainability. In this, as in all other areas, one of the main barriers to adopting greener behaviors are excessive costs but also a lack of information. In general, 42% consider themselves well informed on the subject of sustainability, 14% do not feel informed.

Among those who declare themselves well informed, the value of the sustainability index is 59. Among those who do not feel informed it is much lower (40). It is no coincidence then that more sustainable people are better educated. The profile of the “least sustainable” person? Male, low educational level (does not have a high school diploma).



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