Suspicious cardiologists from Isala secretly rented out premises

For years, Isala hospital in Zwolle rented premises from five of its own cardiologists, and the hospital did not know they owned them. This is evident from research by NRC.

At the initiative of the cardiologists, the hospital moved several departments to the doctors’ premises because of a lack of space. Isala pays 350,000 euros per year in rent for this. In 2016, Isala concluded the ten-year lease.

The buildings next to the main building of the hospital are used by, among others, a department of the heart center of Isala. The then head of that department had interests in that property. According to the newspaper, the hospital did not know about the additional income of the cardiologists. Isala responds to the NRC that she has no problems with that situation “as long as no unwanted conflict of interest arises”.

The five cardiologists are also involved in a fraud investigation. In June, the FIOD raided five medical specialists at the hospital. They would have received money from a German company that makes pacemakers, among other things. The Public Prosecution Service is investigating the case, in which millions in bribes were allegedly paid by the German company.
