Suspended sentence for right-wing extremists confirmed

The defendant Thilo P. came to the hearing in a white luxury sweater from

The defendant Tilo P. came to the hearing in a white luxury sweater from “Carlo Colucci” (120 euros). Photo: Olaf Wagner

By Anne Losensky

For a cowardly series of fires in Neukölln, the right-wing young entrepreneur is in court in two weeks. For the cowardly attack on a taxi driver, he was only given probation again on Thursday!

District Court, Room 456. Accused: Tilo P. (39). Known in Berlin as a neo-Nazi. Ex-AfD member.

It’s about dangerous bodily harm, a forbidden motor vehicle race, insult, coercion. Trigger: The argument with a taxi driver (57) on November 3, 2021 in Steglitz. His Golf was in the second row, blocking Göttinger Strasse.

The taxi driver got upset, Tilo P. struck with the baton. Miles of chase over red traffic lights, terminus court: Because P. admitted everything, apologized (half-heartedly) and wanted to pay 1000 euros to the taxi driver, the penalty was: 18 months in prison, but probation.

The Attorney General’s office didn’t like that at all. She wanted jail and appealed. New trial on Thursday, no jail again: He leaves the court as a free man. But now he has to pay the taxi driver 3,000 euros and do ten hours of anti-aggression training.

From August 29 he will be back in the dock. The investigations into the “Neukölln complex” (70 crimes, including 20 car arson attacks) had been going on for years, all of which were allegedly based on right-wing extremist motives. Evidence is difficult (no eyewitnesses, no DNA).

But it should be enough for two cases: On February 1, 2018, the Peugeot of a bookseller and the Smart of politician Ferat Kocak (Die Linke) burned. Maybe he’ll end up in jail after all…


process of right-wing extremism
